Our Service for Remembrance Sunday will begin at 10:45 on 13 November. It will include the Act of Remembrance.
We will be meeting at 217 Queens Road on Tuesday 15 November at 8pm when we will continue our study of the Sermon on the Mount. All will be very welcome.
The Book Club will be meeting at 1pm on Friday 18 November at the Lantern Coffee shop at Raynes Park Methodist church. Our latest book is “Cartes Postales from Greece” by Victoria Hislop. Even if you haven’t read the book you are welcome to join us for lunch and fellowship. See Pam Rostron for more …
Sunday 6 November – Gift Day ‘For Others’ 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion 17:30 ‘Tree of Life’ Memorial Service followed by tea in the Old Hall Monday 7 November 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 8 November 10:30 Lettings Team 10:30 Parables on a Tuesday 20:00 Finance Team 20:00 Mission & …
Sunday 6 November was our annual Gift Day “For Others”. We are hoping to raise at least £10,000 this year for the ten charities voted recently by Trinity’s members: Merton Winter Night Shelter; St Raphael’s Hospice; South London Refugee Association; Baked Bean Company Alzheimer’s Research; Cancer Research UK; Macmillan Cancer Barnabas Fund; British Red Cross; Médecins sans Frontières. …