As in recent years, we will once again collect donations for the Wimbledon Foodbank at our Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 9 October. The Foodbank believes that no-one in our community should have to face going hungry. They provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis.  They are part …

On 29 September 2016 Trinity hosted “Money to Burn? Ethical Investment in an Overheating World”, at which a panel of experts revealed the power of individuals and institutions to influence the climate-care credentials of the companies in which they invest. Here’s a “teaser” of the evening…

Saturday 8 October 2016 at 7.30pm The evening will begin with a simple ‘bring and share’ harvest supper and be capped off by a dance led by the Craigievar Ceilidh Band. As well as appearing in Four Weddings and a Funeral, the band has played in a number of events of note, both in England and abroad, and …

Sunday 2 October – Rededication Sunday 09:15         Bible with Breakfast 10:30         Elders’ Meeting 11:00        Morning worship with Holy Communion 12:15         Macmillan Coffee Morning Monday 3 October 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 4 October 20:00      Church Meeting Wednesday 5 October 14:30      Wednesday Social Group 20:00      Elders’ Council Thursday 6 October Friday …

The 2016 Elders’ Conference for all Trinity Elders will be held on Saturday 1 October from 10am until 4pm.  This annual conference is held to review and discuss matters of key importance to our church’s work and wellbeing, enabling us to take stock of where we are and formulate appropriate goals for the months and years …

Our Rededication Service will be held on Sunday 2 October at 11:00. Those who are Members of Trinity have promised to share in the life of this church, and to be faithful in commitment.  By remembering God’s hand in our lives, we’re able to offer ourselves for a coming year of Christian fellowship and activity, …

Over the past few years Tirnity  has supported The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.  We will devote coffee time after the Morning Service on Sunday 2 October to this cause. Donations of cakes would also be appreciated – please bring these to the kitchen before the Service.

As many of you will be aware, each year we conduct a ballot for Gift Day nominations and we now need to decide which charities will benefit in 2016. The 10 charities selected will comprise 4 local, 3 national and 3 international organisations. There is further information at the bottom of this Voting Form. I …

Where will you be at on Tuesday 4 October at 8pm? At our next Church Meeting if you are a Member of Trinity.  We look forward to welcoming all Members and friends of Trinity to this meeting in the Mansel Road Centre.