Sunday 4 September 10:30 Elders’ Meeting 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion Monday 5 September Tuesday 6 September Wednesday 7 September 20:00 Elders’ Council Thursday 8 September 20:00 Finance Team Friday 9 September 10:00 Trinity Toddlers 19:45 Choir practice 20:00 Friday Fellowship / Film Club Saturday 10 September 16:00 Supersonic Sunday 11 September – ‘Moving Up’ Sunday …
Open House London is the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design, giving access to over 750 buildings and sites for one weekend (17 and 18 September). In Merton, three religious institutions are opening their doors to welcome visitors. Why not take this opportunity to visit them? BAITUL FUTUH MOSQUE – 181 London Road, Morden SM4 …
We will be meeting at the Lantern Coffee Shop at Raynes Park Methodist Church, Worple Road, on Friday 23 September at 1pm. Everyone welcome to join us. We will be discussing the new book by Tracy Chevalier entitled “At the Edge of the Orchard”.
Sunday 28 August 11:00 Morning worship led by Trinity members Saturday 3 September 16:00 Pilots Sunday 4 September 10:30 Elders’ meeting 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion
On Sunday 21 August we gathered after the Morning Service to wish Barry and Lilian Gilbert well as they leave us for Scotland. We are so sorry to see them go, together with Ronan and Hannah, and wish them much happiness in their new home. After a few words from Dominic, they were presented with …
Sunday 21 August 11:00 Morning worship During coffee after the Service there will be an opportunity to wish Barry & Lilian Gilbert well as they move to Scotland Friday 26 August 20:00 Friday Fellowship Sunday 28 August 11:00 Morning worship
If you have lots of fruit in your garden and can’t use it all, then please get in touch with Abundance. They can collect fruit and pass it on to others to make jam, juice or puddings. Some of it will go to local charities providing food for the homeless and elderly, e.g. Wimbledon Guild …
A party of nineteen from Trinity enjoyed a visit to Denbies wine estate near Dorking today (Saturday 13 August). We began with a tour of the extensive estate by ‘train’, climbing up above the vines for a wonderful panoramic view, from Leith Hill and Dorking to Box Hill and the far distant hills. Our guides …
Sunday 14 August 11:00 Morning worship Sunday 21 August 11:00 Morning worship During coffee after the Service there will be an opportunity to wish Barry & Lilian Gilbert well as they move to Scotland
This cartoon originally appeared in the Church Times and is taken from ‘The Dave Walker Guide to the Church’, published by Canterbury Press.