Over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust network is donated by the public – that’s why your food donations are absolutely vital to their ability to give everyone referred to the Foodbanks a balanced and nutritious three day supply of food. The Wimbledon Foodbank urgently need the items listed below. Please bring any donations …
(The Angelus is a traditional call to prayer) We invite you to set aside some time each Wednesday lunchtime (any time between 12noon and 2pm), wherever you are, to join in prayer with the Trinity community. At Trinity Pray for our Church Meeting on Thursday evening, as we seek to discern and to commit ourselves to Christ’s …
This month we are invited to visit a Quaker Meeting as part of the 500th anniversary celebrations this year of the Protestant Reformation: There are also two further events:
Our thanks go to all the members of Trinity’s Chinese Group, but especiallly to Betty Wong Revd Ernest Yu, for the splendid evening’s enertainment on Saturday 9 February. The group served an excellent full Chinese meal with jasmine tea to over seventy members and friends of the congregation, and Julia Leung and Ernest instructed …
Sunday 5 February 10:30 Elders’ meeting 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion 15:00 Merton Winter Night Shelter Monday 6 February 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 7 February 18:30 Rawlings Trust meeting Wednesday 8 February 20:00 Church & Society Thursday 9 February 20:00 Church Meeting Friday 10 February 10:00 Trinity Toddlers 20:00 Friday Fellowship Saturday …
The main item for consideration at our Church Meeting this week will be the proposal for a new visual system to complement the audio system in our church. Come along to hear and see what is proposed. The meeting will begin at 8pm in the Mansel Road Centre. All church members, and any others …
The Long Shadow of the Balfour Declaration In May 1916, the Ottoman Empire was collapsing. Diplomats from the imperial powers, Sir Mark Sykes of Britain and Georges Picot of France, secretly carved out the Middle East region with an arbitrary ‘line in the sand’. It became the basis of the League of Nations plan of …