“This is all very last minute but we have grabbed the opportunity to get an incredible orchestra to come and play in the middle of Morden Park for free!  It will be very informal, family friendly and will last between 45 mins to an hour. It will be a celebration of migration. Everyone welcome. Bring …

Last Saturday’s show was a tremendous success.  Our thanks go to those from Trinity who used their talents to entertain us: Sarah Elliot (flute), Eddie Henning (horn), Eric Chau (piano),Grace de Grouchy (voice), Dominic Grant (magic), Sarah Li (Chinese harp), Trinity’s choir and Trinity’s band.  Supersonic choir performed several items, with Luis (trumpet), Martha, Tula, …

On Sunday 2 April, we celebrated the ordination of two new elders, Ian Henning and Andrew Melrose.  They, together with Kwame Sarpong who is already an elder, were inducted to serve on our Elders’ Council for three years.  We are delighted that they have joined the Council and wish God’s blessings on these new leaders of our …

Trinity Toddlers are now on holiday until Friday 28 April.

Sunday 2 April 09:30      Choir Practice 10:30      Elders’ Meeting 11:00      Morning Worship with Holy Communion and Ordination & Induction of Elders Monday 3 April 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 4 April Wednesday 5 April 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus 14:30      Wednesday Social Group 20:00      Elders’ Council Thursday 6 April 19:30      Prayer Meeting 20:00      Lent Course (5) – “Giving …