Thursday 1 June 7.30pm Organised by Wimbledon’s churches, this is an opportunity to hear the candidates for the Wimbledon constituency answer questions from voters.  All five candidates have been invited. Please submit questions in advance: or via the Trinity church office.  (In ‘Question Time’ style, the questions on the night will be selected from …

An adults only evening at London Zoo on Friday 16 June will have you looking at the zoo in a whole new light.  Join the 20,166 animals, and other fun-loving adults, at the world famous zoo and take part in brilliant activities. You can sit back and relax like a sloth and watch a variety …

In Junior Church this morning we (Dena-Jo, Deon, Enna and Olivia) did some ‘illustrated faith’ where we doodled, painted, and used stamps and stickers to respond to our passage from John (17:1-11). ‘Illustrated Faith’ is a creative approach to Bible reading and study, using journalling techniques to highlight important words and ideas.

Copies of our Calendar of Services and Events for the second half of 2017 are now available.  Be sure to collect a copy from the church vestibule or Mansel Road Centre today, and note the dates in your diary. As part of the URC’s year of Feasts & Festivals, there are monthly opportunities to celebrate.  …

Sunday 28 May 09:30      Choir Practice 11:00      Morning worship Monday 29 May – Spring Bank Holiday Tuesday 30 May 19:30         Musical rehearsal Wednesday 31 May 12:00-14:00    Trinity Angelus Thursday 1 June 19:30         General Election Hustings at Trinity Friday 2 June 19:30         Musical rehearsal Saturday 3 June 13:00      Lunchtime Charity Concert in aid of …

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: Pray with thanksgiving for all who are involved in our church’s music. Our Borough: Pray for the Parliamentary candidates in the Wimbledon constituency: Charles Barraball, Stephen Hammond, Strachan McDonald, Carl Quilliam, Imran Uddin. …

Trinity’s minister, Revd Dominic Grant, writes: We at Trinity join with churches, faith groups, and community organisations across our Borough and throughout our nation in condemning Monday’s bomb attack. To the bereaved and injured, and to all who call Manchester their home, we offer our condolences and affirm our solidarity. Together with all people of …

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops’ of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer. We have decided to hold …

Our next Church Meeting will be held on Wednesday of this week, 24 May, in the Mansel Road Centre beginning at 8pm.  Everyone is encouraged to come and take part, or just listen. Main items for consideration will be: Establishment of Organ Project Group “Presence, prayer & pennies” Church Secretaries’ report for 2016.  (Click here to …

A party of 25 from Trinity visited the URC’s Big Day Out at Warwick Castle on Saturday 20 May.