Today (30 July) we welcomed to our Service Pastor Johann Riedel and a group of young people with from north-east Germany who have have been staying at Trinity during the past week.  It was great to have them taking part during our worship, and to meet them afterwards.  We look forward to welcoming Johann and another group …

Stuck for an activity for your teenagers over the school holidays?  How about once-a-week volunteering in practical engineering, for a Christian charity maintaining its fleet of nine hovercraft? Established twenty years ago, HoverAid brings medical help up river to poor, remote communities in Madagascar. Every Wednesday, HoverAid welcomes volunteers (adults and young people over ten) …

Sunday 30 July – Prudential RideLondon cycle event 11:00      Morning worship Monday 31 July Tuesday 1 August Wednesday 2 August 12:00-14:00    Trinity Angelus Thursday 3 August 18:30         Celebrity organ recital at St Paul’s Cathedral Friday 4 August Saturday 5 to Saturday 12 August Lighthouse Youth Camp at Bearsted Sunday 6 August 10:30         Elders’ Meeting …

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: Pray for all at Trinity who are on holiday this month, and for all who are unable to travel. Our Borough: Pray for the Police’s Safer Neighbourhoods Team for St Helier ward: Insp …

Today a group of nineteen Trinity folk enjoyed a trip to Hampton Court by boat from Kingston. Unfortunately the sunny start to the day turned into a very wet afternoon, but a good time was had by all, exploring the palace – and even the grounds for those who were willing to brave the rain! …

Sunday 23 July 09:30      Choir Practice 11:00      Morning worship led by Mr Colin Lambert Wednesday 26 July 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus Sunday 30 July – Prudential RideLondon Sunday 11:00     Morning worship

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: This week Trinity is hosting a church youth group from NE Germany led by Pastor Johann Riedel. Give thanks for them, and pray that they have a fruitful and enjoyable time in London. …

We have a few tickets left for a Kingston – Hampton Court boat trip on Saturday 22 July.  The details are shown below.  If you’d like to come please sign up as soon as possible. Tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Further information from Dodie Khurshid or the church office (

Our rooms are available to book during August on Saturdays and Sundays. For parties or workshops, meetings or family gatherings, playgroups or sporting activities. Large Old Hall or smaller rooms. Call now to book (020) 8946 9281 (option 1).

Members of Supersonic enjoyed taking part in the musical on 6, 7 and 8 July.  Congratulations to them all.