Sunday 12 November – Remembrance Sunday 09:15 Choir practice 10:45 Morning worship Monday 13 November 10:30 Christmas Tree Festival planning group 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 14 November 10:30 Lettings Team 20:00 Calendar planning group Wednesday 15 November 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus Thursday 16 November 20:00 Communications & Publicity Team …
Next Sunday, our Remembrance Sunday service will begin at 10:45.
We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: Pray for our Director of Music Andrew Davies, our choir, band, children’s choir Supersonic, and all musicians at Trinity, giving thanks for their ministry. Our Borough: Pray for Figge’s Marsh ward councillors Agatha …
Sunday 5 November – Gift Day “For Others” 10:30 Elders’ Meeting 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion 18:30 Bereavement service preceded by tea in the Old Hall Monday 6 November 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 7 November 20:00 Pastoral Team Wednesday 8 November 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus 20:00 Church & Society Thursday 9 November 20:00 Organ project …
It’s time to begin Choir practices in order to prepare for the Christmas season. Please consider joining us …..we need adult singers of all voice parts. Contact Andrew Davies if you are interested in participating this year. Our weekly practices are on Fridays at 19:45 – you don’t need to attend every one. This year we will also have …
We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: Pray for children and young people connected with our church, and for all who will be attending our children’s firework party on Saturday. Our Borough: Pray for the Police Safer Neighbourhoods Teams for …
Will you please help us to raise sufficient money in order that we may meet the challenge of our mission to serve our local community and the needs of the wider world? Our Gift Day will be on Sunday 5 November. We are hoping to raise £10,000 this year for the charities for which Trinity members …
A special reflective service to remember loved ones who have died – at whatever age and in whatever circumstances – and to affirm that they are not forgotten but are still known to, loved by and cared for by God. Sunday 5 November at 6.30pm. Tea will be served in the Old Hall before the …