The formal report on this winter’s project can be read here. The report includes details of an award that the project won from the ‘Three Faiths Forum’.

Merton Faith in Action Homeless Drop-In continues to provide a warm welcome, support and help with moving on for homeless and vulnerably housed people.  We are very grateful for your continuing support. You can read the latest newsletter here.


We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our Elders’ Council and Finance Team, holding their annual joint meeting on Wednesday evening National: Pray for United Reformed Church ministers across the UK who are meeting together for four days …

Join us on Wednesday 2 May at 2.30pm, when Lesley Wilmot will be talking about her recent travels in Australia. The talk will be followed by tea.  It would be lovely to see you.  

Sunday 22 April 09:30       Choir practice 11:00      Morning Worship in the Old Hall Monday 23 April 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 24 April 20:00      Worship & Faith Development Team Wednesday 25 April 20:00      Children & Youth Work Team Thursday 26 April 20:00      Calendar Planning group Friday 27 April 10:00      Trinity Toddlers 20:00      Friday Fellowship 20:00      …

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our Children & Youth Work Team and Mission & Outreach Team, both meeting on Wednesday evening National: This is MS Awareness Week: pray for all who are living with MS and …

Sunday 15 April 11:00     Morning Worship (in the Old Hall) Monday 16 April 20:00     Badminton Tuesday 17 April Wednesday 18 April 10.30       Pastoral Team Thursday 19 April 19:00     Merton Citizens Founding Assembly Friday 20 April 10:00      Trinity Toddlers 20:00      Friday Fellowship 20:00      Choir practice Saturday 21 April 16:00      Pilots Sunday 22 April …

Merton Citizens is an alliance of eighteen member organisations – including Trinity and other churches, schools, mosques, health organisations and charities – seeking to engage with communities and key decision-makers to bring about positive change. The Founding Assembly takes place this Thursday, 7pm-8.30pm at St Mark’s Academy, Acacia Road, Mitcham CR4 1SF – Trinity is …

On Sunday 15 and 22 April, our Morning Worship will be held in the Old Hall. The  church will be closed for electrical work starting on Monday 9 April.  This is scheduled to be completed by Thursday 26 April.