The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Act on 25 May.  The new law governs how data is collected, processed and stored, and how consent is given.  We are currently working on details to comply with the law, and further information will follow.

Don’t forget the Christian Aid car boot sale on Saturday 12 May in St Mary’s Field until 1pm Five more door to door collectors are urgently needed if we are to cover the roads Trinity is allocated. Please contact Mike or Margaret Tulloch for more details about the car boot sale or to offer to …

A very special event occurred yesterday when Trinity became the first church in Wimbledon (and, we believe, in the Borough of Merton) to solemnise the marriage of a same-sex couple.  A joyful blessed occasion!  Congratulations to Chris and Adrian.

Sunday 29 April 09:30      Choir practice 11:00      Morning Worship                  followed by trumpet & piano recital Monday 30 April 10:30      Christmas Tree Festival planning group 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 1 May Wednesday 2 May 14:30      Wednesday Social Group 20:00      Joint Elders’ Council & Finance Team …

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for Merton Voluntary Service Council (MVSC) as it faces organisational restructuring and various staff changes National: This is Red Cross Week; give thanks for the work of the British Red Cross and …