Our Service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight will be held on Sunday 16 December at 6.30pm. Do join us for a favourite Christmas Service, when the choir will once again be joined by Cloud 9 brass. Following the Service, mulled wine and mince pies will be served in the Old Hall. Bring your family, neighbours …
This year’s Nativity play takes place during the Morning Service on Sunday 16 December. Entitled ““The Other Royal Birth” and written by Katrina Clifford (using suggestions from Junior Church children and young people) it tells the Nativity story from the perspective of a reporter sent to cover the story of a Royal birth. Some adults …
We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our Christian Aid carol singing on Friday at Raynes Park and for other local charity fund raising at Christmas. National: Pray for winter night shelters and food hubs around the country, as they …
Dear Friends, A recent survey revealed that one in three children had no idea that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Other religious blank spots included the role of the Archangel Gabriel, with more than a quarter having no idea that Gabriel brought God’s message to Mary at her home in Nazareth to say that she …
Many congratulations to Wimbledon Choral Society whose beautiful “Angels” tree was voted Favourite Tree at our Christmas Tree Festival – the second occasion that the Society has won. Each of the angels was created from a folded sheet of music.
Faith in Action runs the Homeless Drop-In Centre in Merton twice a week every week of the year, working closely with the Merton Winter Night Shelters to support homeless people and help them move on. We will be supporting them again this year, in the form of Christmas presents to be given to service users at their annual …
We’ve had a wonderful weekend celebrating our 4th Christmas Tree Festival, including our new Craft & Gift Fair on Saturday. Thank you to all those who have worked so hard to make it all such a success. Firstly, to all our tree sponsors and decorators, and to those who created the gallery scene of London’s …
Sunday 9 December – Christmas Tree Festival 11:00 Morning worship 14:00 Nativity rehearsal 16:30 Carols Among the Trees – followed by refreshments Monday 10 December Tuesday 11 December Wednesday 12 December 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus 14:30 Wednesday Social Group 20:00 Church & Society Thursday 13 December 19:30 Prayer group …
We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for all local groups with their carol concerts and Christmas events – in schools and community groups and churches. Pray especially for our Nativity play and our Candlelight service, as we offer new insights …
As part of our Christmas Tree Festival, we are thrilled to announce that our own Eddie Henning and friends will be playing some Christmas Jazz songs at 6pm on Saturday 8 December. Don’t miss this three piece jazz band providing a terrific close to our first day of the Festival. Free – but donations to …