The call to climate action has got louder and for Lent 2019, Christians are being invited to respond by making significant lifestyle changes. During Lent, which starts on 6 March, the Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) – on behalf of the United Reformed Church (URC), Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Church of Scotland and the …

A very warm welcome to Adrian who became the newest member of Trinity when he was baptised and received into church membership on Sunday 24 February.  We are delighted that you’ve joined us.

The annual Chinese New Year Supper held on Saturday evening was another great success – delicious food and good entertainment (with both music and a quiz). Our thanks today go to our Chinese Group – to Ernest and Betty in particular, and to all those who worked so hard to organise such an excellent evening. …

Sunday 24 February 09:30         Choir practice  11:00         Morning Worship with Baptism & Reception into Church membership Theme:       “Revealed in Peace”.   Bible Readings:  Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40 & Luke 6: 27-38 14:00          Merton Winter Night Shelter at Trinity 25 February – 10 March  –  Fairtrade Fortnight Monday 25 February …

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for the World Day of Prayer on 1 March, with materials produced by women in Slovenia and our local services in St Saviour’s, Grand Drive and Wimbledon Congregational Church. National: Pray for Fair Trade …

The year of the Pig We will be holding a church supper to celebrate the Chinese New Year on Saturday 23 February at 6.30pm in the Mansel Road Centre. Adults £12, Children £6, Family (2 adults, 2 children) £32. Price include full Chinese meal with jasmine tea (bring your own wine or soft drinks, if …

Sunday 17 February 09:30         Choir practice 11:00        Morning Worship Theme:      ‘Revealed in Wellbeing’.  Bible readings: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1 and Luke 6: 17-26 14:00          Merton Winter Night Shelter Monday 18 February Tuesday 19 February 20:00      Communications & Publicity Team Wednesday 20 February 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus 20:00      …

The Queens Road housegroup will meet this Wednesday (20 February) at 8pm at 217 Queens Road. We are currently studying St Mark’s Gospel. We start with tea or coffee before embarking on our exploration of the Bible passage. Many people say they’d like to join a study group. If you are one of these people, …

We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for the Merton Winter Night Shelter, hosted at Trinity and other local faith venues. Pray for Faith in Action, working the year round. National: This is OCD Awareness week. Pray for those affected by …

Our next Church Meeting is on Tuesday 12 February.  At our November meeting it was agreed that we should learn more about Community Sponsorship of Refugees. The Salvation Army has been involved with the Home Office in helping to shape the Community Sponsorship initiative, whereby vulnerable people fleeing conflict are resettled in this country. The local …