At 7.30pm – “Signs & Shadows” – a Service with Holy Communion (The Service will also include washing of feet) Maundy Thursday is the fifth day of Holy Week – the final week of Lent, which begins on Palm Sunday and runs up until Easter. It gets its name from the Latin word ‘mandare’, from which we …
Trinity’s minister Revd Dominic Grant has written and narrated three audio reflections for Holy Week, on aspects of the theme “Friendship with Jesus”. Each reflection features interview contributions from people in the wider community. One: Betrayal and Glory Have you ever been let down by a friend? What happened? Background music: extracts from A series of …
Join us at 11:00 for a service of Music and Readings for Palm Sunday, and palm crosses will be distributed during the Service. This will be the first Service with our brand new digital organ. If you are in Wimbledon town centre at 10:00, come along to the short ecumenical service and procession with a …
Sunday 14 April – Palm Sunday 10:00 Ecumenical Palm Sunday service at Wimbledon town centre (near Tesco) 11:00 Morning Worship – a Service of Readings & Music for Palm Sunday – with the new organ. Distribution of palm crosses Monday 15 April – Tuesday 16 April – Wednesday 17 April “Friendship with Jesus” – …
We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for the People’s Passion on Good Friday and our other special services for Holy Week and Easter. National: As people enjoy active holidays, pray for mountain rescue teams, the RNLI, the air ambulances and …
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Lent Commitment for Life Appeal. The total collected was £808.64 plus Gift Aid,£186.25, bringing the total to be sent to £994.89. Contributions are still very welcome if you haven’t brought back you envelope yet.
Trinity has received a generous donation from Mrs Joyce Chiu Broadbent as a token of thanks for the wonderful support given to her by Dominic, Miriam and the Prayer Group, and to Andrew for agreeing, at short notice, to play the organ at the Farewell Service of her husband Mike.
Trinity will be producing daily Devotions on Monday 15, Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 April, which will be made available on this website and also via email subscription. To subscribe, click here to complete the online form ensuring that you tick the last checkbox “Prayer topics & Devotional material” (if you’ve previously subscribed to Trinity’s email …
Sunday 7 April 10:30 Elders’ Meeting 11:00 Morning Worship with Holy Communion Theme: ‘Giving Forward’; Bible reading: John 12:1-8 Monday 8 April 14:30 Lent Group (at the Mansel Road Centre) Tuesday 9 April 20:00 Team structure review meeting Wednesday 10 April 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus 20:00 …
The Palm Crosses we use in church for Palm Sunday are made in eight villages in the Masasi area of southern Tanzania where they give people living in a very poor part of Tanzania the possibility of earning some extra money. The people’s daily work is the planting of maize, millet and some ground nuts to …