Praying with the Scriptures Lectio               –  Read the Scripture passage for the first time.  Listen with the “ear of your heart” Meditatio         –  Reflect, relish the words. Let them resound in your heart. Oratio               –  Respond spontaneously, then return to …

Don’t miss the annual Christian Aid Car boot sale Saturday 11 May at St Mary’s field – from 09:00 Please come to buy or sell! If you have donations of bric-a-brac etc for Christian Aid to sell, please contact Mike or Margaret Tulloch

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for members of Trinity who are working in our local community, whether by collecting for Christian Aid or through Citizens, Faith in Action, the food hub or other local activity. National: In Christian …

Sunday 5 May 11:00     Morning worship (Bible reading:  John 21:1-19) 18:30     Ecumenical Environmental Service at Trinity Monday 6 May  –   Early May Bank Holiday Tuesday 7 May 18:30     South London Citizens Accountability Assembly at Southwark Cathedral Wednesday 8 May 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus 20:00     Church & Society Thursday 9 May 12:00  …

South London Citizens (of which Merton Citizens is part) are holding an Accountability Assembly at Southwark Cathedral, London Bridge, SE1 9DA, on Tuesday 7 May at 6.30 pm for 7 pm, finishing at 8.30 pm. Politicians from Lambeth, Southwark, Greenwich, Lewisham and Merton Councils have been invited, including Stephen Alambritis, the Leader of Merton Council. …

Isaac Harvey, a member of URC Youth and an award-winning vlogger, who was born with limb/pelvic hypoplasia syndrome and edits videos using his feet, has released a short film entitled For the Love of Our Planet: Fossil Free Future. The film calls on the URC to divest from fossil fuels and shows the story of three church …

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for Merton’s Street Pastors, out on Friday evenings helping in the communities of Mitcham, Morden and Wimbledon. National: This is British Red Cross Week. Pray for those who work in practical supports such …

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