Sunday 30 June 09:30      Choir practice 11:00      All-age Worship – Favourite hymns & worship songs chosen by Trinity’s children & young people Bible Reading:  Colossians 3.12-17 Monday 1 July Tuesday 2 July   Wednesday 3 July 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus 14:30      Wednesday Social Group – Strawberry tea with summer music 20:00      Elders’ Council Thursday 4 July 18:30      Jazz …

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for tomorrow evening’s Common Good Lecture, exploring building consensus through community organising. Pray for those in our borough who are working to increase community involvement. National: Pray for those managing our nature reserves …

Sunday 23 June 11:00      Morning Worship Theme:  “Finding God in all the wrong  places” Monday 24 June Tuesday 25 June Wednesday 26 June 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus Thursday 27 June 19:30      Prayer Group Friday 28 June 10:00      Trinity Toddlers 20:00      Choir practice 20:00      Friday Fellowship Saturday 29 June Sunday 30 June 09:30      Choir practice 11:00      …

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: As we approach the Wimbledon tennis championships, pray for all those who are working in preparation, for the logistics of managing so many people with so many different interests, needs and functions. National: Saturday …

Today’s barbecue was enjoyed by all – especially the Junior Church!  Our thanks to Pam and her team of helpers for organising a very happy and successful event.          

It was a beautifully joyful and inspirational Service at Trinity this morning on Trinity Sunday.  Even the sun shone! We celebrated the confirmation and reception into membership of four of our young people – Abena, Deon, Kwabena and Yaw.  All were baptised as babies at Trinity, and have grown up in our Junior Church, so …

Sunday 16 June – Trinity Sunday 11:00      Morning Worship with Confirmation & Reception into Church Membership Bible Readings:  2 Timothy 1.1-14 & Matthew 28. 16-20 12:30      Church Family BBQ Monday 17 June Tuesday 18 June Wednesday 19 June 12;00-14:00     Trinity Angelus Thursday 20 June 19:30      Prayer Group Friday 21 June 10:00      Trinity Toddlers 19:30       Film Club …

A brand new newsletter from the Mansel Road Centre has just been created.  Do have a look at it here.  You are bound to discover a few things you never knew about the Centre.  

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: This is Refugee Week. Pray for refugees and pray for the community sponsorship scheme, as we try to see what part we at Trinity can play in this. National: As we approach Midsummer, pray …

At Trinity church, Trinity Sunday (16 June) will be an especially joyful occasion this year.   The service will include the confirmation of some of our young people, and we hope you will be there too to join the celebration! After the service, there will be a barbecue for everyone – don’t miss it.