Sunday 17 November 11:00 Morning Worship with Baptism of Amelia Lowe Theme: ‘Childlike Faith’. Bible readings: Luke 18:15-17; Psalm 8 ‘Bake Freedom’ Cake Sale in aid of the charity Freedom from Torture Monday 18 November Tuedsay 19 November Wednesday 20 November 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus Thursday 21 …
Following a successful event last autumn, raising £170, Trinity will once again be holding a cake sale in aid of Freedom from Torture, the UK’s only organisation dedicated solely to the treatment and rehabilitation of survivors of torture. We will be calling upon the bakers among you; all of you who like cake and all …
All church members are encouraged to attend our next Church Meeting on Thursday 21 November at 8pm in the Mansel Road Centre. The agenda and draft minutes of the meeting held on 26 September are now posted on the vestry corridor notice board. Come and take part in decision-making for 2020 – how we spend …
Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for our Church Meeting tomorrow evening, when we look at preparations for Christmas and also at planning for 2020. National: Next Monday is White Ribbon Day, campaigning for an end to Family Violence. …
Our Junior Church made a beautiful origami poppy wreath today.
Sunday 10 November – Remembrance Sunday 10:45 Morning Worship Theme: “When the world is shaken” Bible readings: Psalm 46; Luke 21.8-11, 25-26 Monday 11 November Tuesday 12 November 19:30 Lectio Divina Wednesday 13 November 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus 20:00 Church & Society Thursday 14 November 20:00 Finance Team Friday 15 November 10:00 Trinity Toddlers …
On Sunday 10 November our Service will begin at 10:45 to enable us to observe the Act of Remembrance and two minute silence at 11:00 on Remembrance Sunday. Please join us.
Join us on Saturday afternoon 9 November when we are planning to spend an afternoon making some of the decorations for our Christmas Tree Festival together. Some materials will be supplied, but bring your own too, and we can share ideas and enjoy making things for our special event. No special skills are required – this …
Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for our Church and Society group meeting this evening with an environmental update about our actions at Trinity as well as the broader context. National: Pray for the BBC Children in Need Appeal. …
Sunday 3 November – Gift Day “For Others” 10:30 Elders’ Meeting 11:00 Morning Worship with Holy Communion Theme: “Real Life Saints”. Bible readings: Ephesians 1.11-23; Luke 6.20-31 16:30 Messy Church Lights Party Monday 4 November 14:30 Pastoral Team Tuesday 5 November 20:00 Children & Youth Work Team Wednesday 6 November …