Thank you for being part of Trinity’s church family over the last year. Thank you to everyone who helped out this year in any way. Thank you to those who give of their time and those who support us financially: we couldn’t do it without you. With every blessing for the New Year. Epiphany Sunday service with Holy Communion …
On Christmas Eve, children and adults enjoyed making Christingles and singing Christmas songs, as excitement mounted for the big day…..
Our Christmas Day Celebration Worship (about 45 mins) begins at 10:30am. A service for all ages; bring along one of your Christmas presents to show everyone! We wish you peace and joy this Christmas and throughout the coming year
All our Christmas collections this year will once again be donated to Crisis the national charity for homeless people. The collections will be taken at four services: Carols by Candlelight (on 22 December) Christingle & Communion by Candlelight (on Christmas Eve) and at the Christmas Day family celebration service. For information about Crisis click here.
Our Service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight will be held on Sunday 22 December at 6.30pm. Do join us for a favourite Christmas Service, when the choir will once again be joined by a brass band. Following the Service, mulled wine and mince pies will be served in the Old Hall. Bring your family, neighbours …
On Christmas Eve (Tuesday 24 December) at 5.30pm, please do come to our Christingle Service to celebrate the Christmas story. A simple service for all ages, but especially for families. Carols and Christingle-making for everyone. If you’ve never made one, now is your chance! It will be good fun. Why not join us? All very welcome – but especially …
On Christmas Eve (Tuesday 24 December) a traditional service of Holy Communion as we welcome Christmas Day and Celebrate the birth of Jesus. Christmas Eve Communion by Candlelight service starts at 11:15pm and will last about an hour. Communion is the sharing of bread and wine by which the Church remembers Jesus Christ: his birth, life, death, and resurrection. We …
Throughout December our minister Revd Dominic Grant has been producing a series of audio reflections exploring themes from the Advent hymn “O come, O come Emmanuel”. In the introductory reflection, Dominic talks about the background of the hymn – and about how a little bit of confusion needn’t always be a bad thing. Part 2 …
Our thanks and congratulations to the children and young people whose re-telling of the Nativity story, with Bible readings and songs, during this morning’s service was wonderful. Thanks also to the narrator Sarah, and those who helped behind the scenes. Well done to you all!