Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for our Christmas Tree Festival this weekend and for all those who will come through our doors for it and its associated events National: Pray for London’s Air Ambulance Charity supported by our …

As part of our Christmas Tree Festival a Craft & Gift Fair will be held in the Mansel Road Centre on Saturday 7 December from 11:00 to 15:00 where there will be 20 stalls of handcrafted gifts for all ages, jewellery, soaps, art, glass work, dolls clothes and many more.  Buying handmade offers so much more …

“Christian groups have spoken out against ‘millionaire advent calendars’ which they argue undermine the Christmas message. “Two advent calendars from well-known jewellers will set you back as much as £100,000.  An advent calendar from Beaverbrooks features a platinum diamond ring worth £26,000 behind one of its doors, while Tiffany’s offering has trinkets worth up to £13,000 …

On Sunday 24 November our Morning Worship will be led by some of Trinity’s Elders.  The day is designated as “Christ the King Sunday”.  Come and join us at 11:00.

Sunday 24 November 11:00      Morning Worship led by some of Trinity’s elders Theme:  “Christ the King”. Bible readings:  Luke 23, 33-43; Jeremiah 23, 1-7 & 16; Colossians 1, 11-20 Monday 25 November Tuesday 26 November 19:30     Lectio Divina 20:00     Worship & Faith Development Team Wednesday 27 November 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus Thursday 28 November Friday …

You will be most welcome to join us at any or all of our Christmas services Sunday 1 December – Advent Sunday 11:00     Morning worship with Holy Communion We will also welcome Paramedic Rachel Peacock to speak about the work of London’s Air Ambulance Charity Sunday 8 December – Christmas Tree Festival 11:00    …

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for Faith in Action and the support they provide to homeless people in our Borough. National: Pray for all those who work at understanding and predicting our weather, allowing councils and organisations to …

A Classical Trio Lunchtime Concert at 1:10pm Kathleen Gilbert (piano), Jayne Ross (violin) & Miriam Grant (viola) will perform Mozart, Brahms & Gershwin while you relax & listen or wander among the trees     The Barnes Concert Band & Sax Quartet at 5:30-6:30pm The Band will perform with the Year 5 & 6 Choir from Wimbledon High School  …

Sunday 17 November 11:00      Morning Worship                 with Baptism of Amelia Lowe Theme:  ‘Childlike Faith’.  Bible readings:  Luke 18:15-17; Psalm 8 ‘Bake Freedom’ Cake Sale in aid of the charity Freedom from Torture Monday 18 November Tuedsay 19 November Wednesday 20 November 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus Thursday 21 …

Following a successful event last autumn, raising £170, Trinity will once again be holding a cake sale in aid of Freedom from Torture, the UK’s only organisation dedicated solely to the treatment and rehabilitation of survivors of torture. We will be calling upon the bakers among you; all of you who like cake and all …