Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for our local road maintenance. Pray for those suffering from disruptions due to road works of all sorts, for those carrying out such works regardless of weather, and for the mains services which …

The URC’s Prayer Handbook for 2020 is now available, a collection of authentic prayers from around the URC. “In offering this collection of prayers, we hope we have captured their raw authenticity; prayers that are beautifully written and deeply thoughtful, but not overly clever. “We have included pieces which came to us rough-hewn, unpolished or …

The 2019 Lay Preachers training course has proved to be a really exciting and inspiring journey, with 23 delegates taking part. The next course will start January 2020. If you are interested, or know anyone who might be, please contact Revd Andy Twilley (Training & Development Officer for URC Southern Synod) to find out more:

“Back in April I mentioned that I was doing two challenge events to raise money for charity. These have now been completed and a huge thank you to everyone who supported me both in prayer and money raised. I did the parachute jump on 1 June and raised over £2000 for Regenerate RISE, a charity …

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for the Elders’ Council, meeting this evening. National: Next week is Know Your Numbers blood pressure week. Pray for those who work in the community in health screening of all kinds to try …

Sunday 25 August 11:00   Morning Worship led by the Minister Theme:  “Free time”.     Bible readings:  Isaiah 58: 9b-14; Luke 13: 10-17 Monday 26 August – Summer Bank Holiday Wednesday 28 August 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus 1 September to 4 October   –   Season of Creation Sunday 1 September 10:30    Elders’ Meeting 11:00   Morning Worship with …

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for the Wimbledon Foodbank and the volunteers who run it. Pray for all those who find themselves needing to go to a foodbank, because they don’t have the money to buy essentials for …

Sunday 18 August 11:00   Morning Worship led by the Minister Theme:  “Long division”.   Bible readings: Jeremiah 23: 23-29; Luke 12: 49-56 Wednesday 21 August 12:00-14:00     Trinity Angelus Sunday 25 August 11:00   Morning Worship led by the Minister Theme:  “Free time”.     Bible readings:  Isaiah 58: 9b-14; Luke 13: 10-17

Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for those using the summer holidays to plan and prepare for the autumn term and for Christmas events, whether at Trinity or in the local community. National: Pray for all those whose school …

To celebrate Trinity’s new church organ, a very special evening is planned for Saturday 21 September.  Three outstanding musicians (Professor Ian Tracey, Karol Szwech and Andrew Davies) will provide a wonderfully varied programme beginning at 7pm. Professor Dr Ian Tracey is a world-renowned organist and recording artist and has the current distinction of being the …