Alzheimer’s Research UK is one of the charities supported by our Gift Day this year To:  Everyone at Trinity United Reformed Church Wimbledon I’m writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for helping to raise £500.00 for Alzheimer’s Research UK. Your efforts have led to vital funding. Which means that you’re now helping our scientists to …

Thursday 31st December – Joy to the World Isaac Watts’ great paraphrase of Psalm 98 has been voted, evidently, the most popular Christmas hymn in North America.  It’s more of an Advent, rather than Christmas hymn and could be used at any time of the year (though it would be a brave minister or worship …

Wednesday 30th December – In the Bleak Mid Winter Christina Rossetti was the daughter of an Italian refugee.  She was raised as a High Church Anglican and broke off her engagement when her fiance converted to Catholicism.  She wrote this hymn as a poem and it didn’t appear in a hymnbook until 1906 – after …

Hugh Bonneville reads from John Barton’s “A History of the Bible” on  Radio 4 each day this week or BBCSounds. Professor John Barton’s fascinating “A History of the Bible” investigates the origins, development and contemporary meaning of this greatest of unread bestsellers. From a disparate collection of writings that first emerged deep in the distant …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for all those who are running our local Covid support services, to do what can be done to look after vulnerable people who need help. National: Pray for those in prisons and special hospitals, …

Tuesday 29th December – It Came upon the Midnight Clear This carol by Edward Sears is a firm favourite across the denominations despite the Unitarianism of the writer.  In the hymn Sears laments the world at war not hearing the message the angels brought.  In the UK it is usually sung to Arthur Sullivan’s tune …

Monday 28th December – The Coventry Carol Both the words and music of this carol date back to the middle ages and put in sung form the dramatic, and horrific, slaughter of the Innocents.  Annie Lennox’s version of it is particularly haunting. St Matthew 2: 16-18 When Herod saw that he had been tricked by …

Tomorrow’s service is for Holy Innocents Sunday, where we look at a rather more sombre part of the Christmas story.  Whilst Herod’s killing of the innocent children takes place after Epiphany, chronologically, it is traditionally marked on the Sunday between Christmas Day and Epiphany. The service comes to us from the Daily Devotions team of the Reformed …

For many years now, our Christmas offerings at Trinity have been given to Crisis, the national charity for homeless people. Crisis works directly with thousands of homeless people every year, providing vital help so that they can rebuild their lives and are supported out of homelessness for good. If you will be attending either of …

If you have a problem…   Sometimes the Daily Devotions emails go astray.  As we send out over 4,000 a day some internet service providers label them as Spam or Junk.  If an email doesn’t arrive check your Spam/Junk Folder in the first instance.  If the email is there then add this email address to …