The special offerings which were taken at the four main Christmas services, in support of Crisis, the charity for homeless people, this year amounted to £1,540. Thanks to everyone for this excellent result.

We are really delighted to be able to announce the result of this year’s Christmas Tree Festival. After expenses, and including some exceedingly generous donations, we are able to send £13,750 to London’s Air Ambulance Charity.  This is a wonderful result and represents around six potentially life-saving missions.  A very big ‘thank you’ to all …

Sunday 5 January – Epiphany Sunday 10:30      Elders’ Meeting 11:00      Morning Worship with Holy Communion Theme: Treasure of the Nations.  Bible readings: Haggai 2.1-9; Matthew 2.1-12 Monday 6 January Tuesday 7 January Wednesday 8 January 20:00      Elders’ Council Thursday 9 January 14:00      New House group at 22 Courthope Villas 20:00      Church & Society Friday …

Gracious God as I start this New Year, open my eyes to see you in all things. Grant me the trust to live day by day in your way. Gift me with the hope to see hidden possibilities that you hold in store. When I feel I don’t know where I’m going, remind me of …