The United Reformed Church is encouraging members to join Christians around the world in saying the Lord’s Prayer at 11am* on Wednesday 25 March. The move comes in response to an invitation from Pope Francis sent to all Christian leaders in which he asks that we invoke “together the graces from heaven” and ask “for …
If you feel lonely, pick up the phone. If you are wondering how someone is, pick up the phone. If you’re bored, pick up the phone. If you’re feeling low, pick up the phone. Pick up the phone and have a chat with anyone. They may be waiting to hear from you. We may not …
With children and parents facing what could be months at home, children across the country are placing rainbows in the windows of their houses to help keep others entertained and ‘to brighten the community’ during the coronavirus outbreak. Thousands of households across the UK have been taking part. The youngsters have been asked to colour in templates …
While we have had to suspend our worship services at Trinity owing following government advice, we are actively seeking ways to keep in touch with everyone. If you have any suggestions on how we can best do this we’d love to hear from you! Just email Sam or Catherine on or give us a call. …
Presidents of Churches Together in England have issued a call to prayer in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is for all churches and people of prayer to join on Sunday 22 March, Mothering Sunday. They write…. This Mothering Sunday, 22nd March, we are calling all churches to a National Day of Prayer and …
A Trinity service for Mothering Sunday This week I’ve compiled a Mothering Sunday “Order of Service for Worship At Home” incorporating Bible readings, reflections, prayers, and even some hymns to sing. It’s suitable for individual or whole-household use, and it’ll be emailed to you tomorrow morning (meanwhile printed versions are being delivered to those Trinity …
We are very grateful indeed to Sarah Elliot who will be putting together some resources each week for ‘Junior Church/Pilots at Home’, based on the Roots resource which are used in Junior Church. These will be emailed weekly, so if you are not on the Junior Church mailing list do contact us at and we’ll …
Our thanks to the children and young people who have written these prayers in the weeks leading up to today. Dear Lord, As we remember that you protect and keep us, we pray for everyone affected by Covid-19; those who have contracted it, those who are caring for patients with it, the researchers and scientists …
These prayers would have been read by Junior Church at our Mothering Sunday service Generous and loving God.On this Mothering Sunday,at a time when things seem uncertain and scary, guide us and care for us. Thank you for our mothers Fierce and strong women who protect us Who gave life to us and care for …