On Sunday afternoon, six Junior Church families, Claire, Sam, Sarah and Pam got together for a virtual Pentecost.and cake celebration. Each family had a cake with a candle which they blew out together and said ‘Happy Birthday’ to the church! It was lovely to see everyone and to get together again.

“Your children will speak of a new world. Some will see the coming society as if in a dream. Even the least, and the most-overlooked in your community, will share in this intimate revolution of the Spirit.” Our Pentecost service is led by Revd Dominic Grant, and we’re delighted and grateful to welcome Revd Richard …

This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here…..    You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. Family Time sheet Roots Children’s Sheet Colouring sheet Wordsearch YP page

Since ‘lockdown’ over 3,600 singers from all over the world have been rehearsing and recording tracks for a new and unique version of Handel’s Messiah for broadcast exclusively this Sunday 31 May at 7.30 pm on www.theselfisolationchoir.com From the website… “At this time of self-isolation, our regular choir rehearsals and concerts have been postponed or …

If you feel lonely, pick up the phone. If you are wondering how someone is, pick up the phone. If you’re bored, pick up the phone. If  you’re feeling low, pick up the phone. Pick up the phone and have a chat with anyone.  They may be waiting to hear from you. Stay in touch …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Our Elders’ Council is meeting this evening as part of regular weekly virtual meetings at present. Pray for them as they try to plan for a future of a new ‘normal’ and for how our …

‘Trinity Creates’ challenge is for EVERYONE (not just the children) Why not take part this week?  We are looking for entries from all the congregation. This week’s theme is ‘LIGHT & SHADE’ Send your creations – art, music or literature – on our weekly theme to Sarah Elliot*.  We’ll then post them on our website/social …

This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘CIRCLES’…… Next week’s theme is LIGHT & SHADE  

Jesus has ascended to heaven – he is “out of sight”, yet his disciples are given the continuing assurance of God’s power in him and in them. Today, we are his disciples! Our service is led by Revd Dominic Grant; the Bible readings are Acts 1.6-14 and Ephesians 1.15-23. Thanks to Sarah for Junior Church …

This week’s author of the week from Church House Bookshop is C.S. Lewis. Clive Staples Lewis (1898–1963) was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably one of the most influential writers of his day. Lewis wrote more than thirty books, allowing him to reach a vast audience, and his works continue to attract …