On Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945, some 25,000 people went to Westminster Abbey to give thanks at short services of ‘thanksgiving for victory’ which were held every hour from 9.00am to 10.00pm. An estimated 25,000 people attended during the day, with the Lord Chancellor and the House of Lords attending at 3.00pm. A …

Christian Aid Week is a joyful celebration of our potential to change the world through our gifts, prayers and actions. Together, we raise funds to support our poorest sisters and brothers around the world. Coronavirus means Christian Aid Week is very different this year. But we hope supporters like you will do all you can …

Dear friend of Faith in Action We thought you would like to know about the help and support we are continuing to give to local homeless and vulnerably housed people while the COVID-19 lockdown continues, and our Drop-in remains closed to service users during this difficult time. You may be aware that nearly all of …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for our homeless people, as they try to manage a strange existence in hotels. Pray for Faith in Action and those who would normally be running the Winter Night Shelter, as they try to …

St Augustine’s College, an ecumenical theological college which trains people for ministry (lay and ordained) have made a resource which they call “Turn Lockdown into a Retreat’ freely available online. There are six sessions, each consisting of a talk (about 15 minutes) supported by downloadable notes, which give some exercises and suggested Bible readings. The talks …

This week’s theme is “The Good Shepherd” – reflected in our Bible readings Psalm 23 and John 10.1-10, 14-16. Revd Dominic Grant leads worship, with music from Miriam and Andrew (with Miriam and Dominic singing), Junior Church materials introduced by Sarah, prayers of concern led by Sam, and Bible readings provided by Grace. If you …

This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here….. Everyone enjoys these – adults included! You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. Story Children’s sheet Notes, questions, song suggestion Cotton wool sheep Lamb Colouring sheet YP …

Chichester, Wakefield, Lincoln, Winchester, Salisbury, Norwich, Leicester, Derby, and Worcester Cathedral – all have peregrine falcon visitors. And here are the links to the webcams where you can watch them live. https://www.englishcathedrals.co.uk/latest-news/close-personal-cathedral-peregrines/