This issue of Trinity News celebrates the 500th edition of our church’s magazine.  Read how the magazine has evolved over the years. Also Minister’s Letter, looking ahead at our online services for July and August, Church Family News, our COVID-19 survey, and other items Click here to read.

Reform magazine is published ten times a year by the United Reformed Church but has readers from all Christian denominations, as well as readers from other faiths and from no faith tradition. Reform is being made available free of charge for as long as people are shut up indoors  You can read the July/August edition …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for Merton Council, as they continue to hold meetings virtually or postpone or cancel them. Pray for them as they try to reopen services which have been closed due to Covid-19. National: Pray for …

This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘WELCOME’…… Next week’s theme is  YELLOW

‘Trinity Creates’ challenge is for EVERYONE (not just the children) Why not take part this week?  We are looking for entries from all the congregation. This week’s theme is ‘YELLOW‘ Send your creations – art, music or literature – on our weekly theme to Sarah Elliot*.  We’ll then post them on our website/social media accounts …

The URC Communications department has published a series of information guides which can be found on the Information Guides page of the URC’s website. One of the latest is “A guide to Zoom etiquette“.  There are now 20 guides.  

On the evening of Thursday 25 June at 7.30pm we will be holding a meeting for all church members by video and telephone conference. We will be using the time to hear about the results of our recent survey. We will be using Zoom which you can join through the ‘ZOOM’ application on your phone/tablet/iPad/ …

This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘MAPS’…… Next week’s theme is WELCOME  

 As we mark Fathers’ Day, our Bible reading is Matthew 10.24-33 – in which Jesus encourages his followers to be fearless and faithful. With thanks to Andrew our director of music, to Christine our Bible reader, to Martha and Harriet for leading our prayers, and to Sarah for our Junior Church resources. Please aim, if …

This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here….. Here are the resources for this Sunday’s Junior Church. You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring, puzzles and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. The YP page features an activity involving mint chocolate thins …