KitKat is to drop the Fairtrade Foundation’s logo after ten years. It’s makers, Nestle, plan to alter arrangements for sourcing ingredients. The Fairtrade label guarantees that the farmers behind a product get a set minimum price as well as a financial bonus. The URC is one of many organisations to protest. The Revd Nigel Uden and Derek Estill, …
The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) has just launched a Coronavirus Appeal to raise funds to help the most vulnerable communities in the world fleeing from conflict and instability who now face the new deadly threat of Covid-19. The DEC Appeal aims to protect people from the virus in the world’s five most fragile states, plus …
For the first time in its history, the United Reformed Church (URC) live-streamed its General Assembly – the URC’s main decision-making body – on YouTube on 11 July. The main business of this Assembly was worship and the inductions of Assembly-appointed officers. Namely, the Revd Dr John Bradbury as URC General Secretary, and the Revd …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our community of Trinity, as we support one another through group meetings, such as the virtual coffee morning, and through individual personal contacts. National: Pray for those who have lost their jobs and …
This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘GROW’…… (Click on the individual photos to see them enlarged) Next week’s theme is URBAN LIFE
‘Trinity Creates’ challenge is for EVERYONE (not just the children) Why not take part this week? We are looking for entries from all the congregation. This week’s theme is ‘URBAN LIFE’ Send your creations – art, music or literature – on our weekly theme to Sarah Elliot*. We’ll then post them on our website/social media …
Jesus told a story about a sower; it’s a parable that points to God who is Lord of soil and seed alike. So how does your garden grow? Our service is led by Revd Dominic Grant; the Bible readings are Matthew 13.1-9, 18-23 and Isaiah 55.10-13. With thanks to Andrew our director of music, …
This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here….. You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/ songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring, puzzles and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. Children’s sheet Colouring sheet Family time sheet Parable of the sower colouring pages YP sheet
The General Assembly of the United Reformed Church takes place on Saturday 11 July at 10.30am, including the inductions of the General Secretary, the Revd Dr John Bradbury, the Moderators of the General Assembly, the Revd Clare Downing and Peter Pay, and contributions from around the URC. Please watch the service on the URC website …
This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘YELLOW’…… Next week’s theme is GROW