When Jesus is approached by a Gentile woman seeking deliverance for her daughter, we learn that pushing the boundaries can help us see God’s love for all. Revd Dominic Grant leads our service, for which the Bible readings are Matthew 15.21-28 and Isaiah 56.1, 6-8. With thanks to Andrew our director of music, with Trinity’s …

This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here….. Matthew 15.(10-20), 21-28  Jesus meets a woman with amazing faith and heals her daughter, despite what others might expect. You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/ songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring, puzzles and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. Children’s …

      Since we last wrote to you in June, we thought you would like to know what’s been happening at Faith in Action’s Wimbledon Homeless Drop-in. Sadly, we are still not able to provide our normal level of service for homeless and vulnerably-housed people, due to government restrictions. However, we are continuing to …

This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘TASTE’……  (Click on the individual photos to see them enlarged).  This is the last week of the challenge.

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community Local: Pray for all those who maintain our local transport networks, both those on the front line and also those invisible to members of the public using the services. National: Pray for office workers. Pray for …

Even in the fiercest storm, Jesus meets us amid wind and wave – and bids us have faith. Revd Dominic Grant leads our service, for which the Bible reading is Matthew 14.22-33. During the theme introduction, look out for the link to a video showing how some people have managed to come close to “walking …

This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here….. You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/ songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring, puzzles and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. Children’s sheet Colouring sheet Family sheet YP sheet

As we continue to see and hear reports of devastation in Beirut we pray for those who are bereaved or injured and for those responding to the catastrophe that has engulfed the city. Gracious God, We pray for those who live and work in Beirut that the bereaved may be consoled and the injured comforted …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our Wimbledon Food Bank and for all those who need its services and those who are struggling to avoid it. Pray for those who run it and who collect the contributions to it. …

Why not take part in our ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge this week?  It’s for everyone – all ages Now it’s holiday time – so why not spend a few minutes sending in something for the Challenge? This week’s theme is ‘TASTE’ Send your creations – art, music or literature – on our weekly theme to Sarah Elliot*.  …