This week’s contributions to the ‘Trinity Creates’ challenge on the theme of ‘IN MOTION’……  (Click on the individual photos to see them enlarged) Next week’s theme is  ‘TASTE’

When God promises to feed us, we discover that a little goes a long way! Revd Dominic Grant leads our service, for which the Bible readings are Matthew 14.13-21 and Isaiah 55.1-5. With thanks to Andrew our director of music, with Trinity’s choir and guest vocalist Alex; to Cathy our Bible reader; to Peter who …

This week’s materials for Junior Church from Sarah Elliot are here….. You’ll find below links to a Bible story, notes/discussion/ songs, activities for the 11+ group, colouring, puzzles and activity sheets for younger children, and other resources. There are some good activities involving play dough and bouncing balls this week! Childrens sheet Colouring sheet Story, …