Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, whereon the Saviour of the world was born. Rise to adore the mystery of love which hosts of angels chanted from above; with them the joyful tidings first begun of God incarnate and the Virgin’s Son. Our online worship for Christmas Day is led by the Revd Alistair Cumming …
Even if we cannot gather in person Emmanuel, God with us Even if some Christmas traditions have had to go Emmanuel, God with us Even if we might not get to hug family and friends Emmanuel, God with us Even if we cannot sing carols beside each other Emmanuel, God with us Even if Christmas …
Thursday 24th December – Hark the Herald Angels Sing This hymn has been edited since Wesley’s, long forgotten, original. George Whitfield changed some of the words and cut some of the verses (which were originally of four lines each) whilst Charles Burnley changed the hymn to its current form of three 8 line verses. We …
Welcome to Trinity’s Virtual Christingle Messy Church! A festive celebration of craft, music, story, puppets and prayer It will be here for a while so make sure you watch when you can! If you have any more photos of today’s Messy Church send them in to …
Tuesday 22nd December – Masters in This Hall This appears to be an ancient carol but only dates from the Victorian era when William Morris – famous for art, design, poetry and socialism, and much more – wrote it. It tells of the poor shepherds who came to see Jesus. St Luke 1: 46-55 And …
Just a reminder that our Virtual Christingle Messy Church will go on online here at 4pm on Tuesday 22 December and will stay there for you to view at a time that suits. It is a Christmas celebration of crafts, music, story and prayer. If you want to get any craft materials ready, you will …
Come and join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Our Christmas Day Celebration service will begin at 10:30am. The service will be conducted by the Revd Alistair Cumming (Church of Scotland minister, Clerk of the Presbytery of England). Pre-registration for this service is essential Email telling us the number of people from your household (and their names) who wish …
Our Christmas Service of Readings and Carols takes us back to Bethlehem to hear again the story of the birth of Jesus, accompanied by seasonal music, choral performances and favourite carols for you to sing along with at home or just to listen to. Start watching the video at 5.30pm today so that, even in our …