Monday 14th December – Of the Father’s Heart Begotten This ancient hymn was adopted by the Spanish Church in the 9th Century to be used on 1st January when Jesus’ circumcision was marked.  The tune comes from the 16th Century and we contrast Matthew’s genealogy with the idea that Jesus was lineage is heavenly. St Mathew …

If you missed this morning’s Junior Church Nativity play you missed a real treat!  Very many congratulations to all those who took part, and to Sarah and Sam for producing such a wonderful video.  It represented many hours of work, but it was just brilliant! Also at the Service, Tom Hackett (Southern Synod’s Children’s and Youth …

URC Daily Devotions Worship for 13th December 2020  Advent 3 – The Two Comings  Opening Music And Who May Abide the Day of His Coming (Messiah) But who may abide the Day of His coming?And who shall stand when He appeareth?Who shall stand when he appeareth?But who may abide, but who may abidethe Day of His coming?And …

Our worship for this week is led by Trinity’s Junior Church, showcasing their Nativity play ‘God is with us – everywhere’, by Fay Rowland. A cast of sixteen young people and parents have been recording their parts separately in lockdown, stitching them all together into a single film. The link to the video has been …

The Nativity service on Sunday morning will be led by Claire Wood.  It will consist primarily of the screening of Junior Church’s Nativity video with some additional music. The play is called, ‘God is with us – everywhere’, by Fay Rowland. It’s been written for live or virtual performances and features, as well as the traditional …

Saturday 12th December – The Lamb William Blake plays with the image of Christ the Lamb in his children’s poem yet the image of Jesus as the Lamb of God, so often used in our Communion liturgies, is rather more sacrificial. St John 1: 29-37 The next day he saw Jesus coming towards him and …

Friday 11th December – Born in the Night This is one of the few carols that is addressed to Jesus; the deceptive lullaby tune lulls us into a sense of nostalgia but the words remind us of the price Jesus paid for his ministry. Isaiah 59: 20 – 60:5 And he will come to Zion as …

Thursday 10th December – People Look East Eleanor Farjeon is best remembered for Morning has Broken.  She wrote this Advent carol based on a passage in Baruck (5:5-7) where the people were told to look to the East to see the people gathered in by the Lord.  A committed Christian, Farjeon used the carol to remind …

Preparations are well under way for the 2020 Nativity Play, which will be screened on Sunday 13 December as part of the 11am service.  We’re doing a play called, ‘God is with us – everywhere’, by Fay Rowland. It’s been written for live or virtual performances and features, as well as the traditional story, Beyoncé, …

Wednesday 9th December – Earth was Waiting Spent and Restless This year our nations, with the rest of the world, had a stark lesson in waiting – having to wait indoors, waiting for the pandemic to pass, waiting for infection rates to fall.  Advent is about waiting, something we find difficult.   Romans 8: 18-25 I consider …