Tuesday 8th December Thou Whose Almighty Word In the northern hemisphere Advent is a dark time of the year and can often be dark emotionally as we remember those no longer with us.  Our hymn, written by John Marriott, plays with the idea of light – ironic since he died at a young age from …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our worship leaders and all those who manage the technology to support them, in these constantly changing circumstances. Pray for those planning and preparing for our Christmas services. National: As we come toward …

Monday 7th December This is the Record of John Today’s reading is set as a canticle for morning prayer meaning Zechariah’s prophecy over John the Baptist became known in the Church.  John the Baptist went ahead of Jesus to prepare the way, Orlando Gibbon’s anthem shows John’s conflict with the authorities. St Luke 8: 68-79 …

URC Daily Devotion Worship for Sunday 6th December 2020 Advent 2 – Return and Judgement Opening Music:    Dies Irae – Karl Jenkins The Dies Irea (Day of Wrath) is an ancient Christian poem in Latin.  It means Day of wrath, that dayWill dissolve the earth in ashesAs David and the Sibyl bear witness.What dread there will beWhen …

Our online worship for the 2nd Sunday in Advent is led by the Revd David Marshall-Jones (retired URC minister, and former Interim Minister of Trinity). The Bible readings will be Isaiah 40: 1-11 and Mark 1: 1-8. We are very grateful to David for recording the service over Zoom this week. The video and sound are …

Saturday 5th December Wait for the Lord The Taizé Community in France was founded by Reformed pastor Roger Schutz who had helped Jews escape over the border into Switzerland during the war. It is an ecumenical community working with the young in particular with distinctive worship based on simple chants. Today’s song takes up the …

Friday 4th December In the popular mind Advent is about preparing for Christmas but we’re also called to prepare for the Second Coming of our Lord.  Wesley’s great hymn reminds us of this. Revelation 1: 3 – 8 Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who …

Our service on Sunday 6 December will be led by the Revd David Marshall-Jones (retired URC minister and our former Interim Minister) and will include Holy Communion.  We are glad to be back again in the church for worship. You must pre-register! Would you like to attend church on Sunday 6 December?   If so, …

Read Trinity News to keep up to date Click here Synod Moderator’s Christmas letter December & January worship Church news Nativity, Christingle & Carols Ministerial vacancy update From the archives Christmas Quiz (with prize!) Our finances in the Pandemic Merton Winter Night Shelter & Faith in Action Child Friendly Church Re-Award Scaffolding everywhere!

Wednesday 2nd December Today’s song was written by the 4th Century bishop Ambrose of Milan.  He was elected bishop before being baptised or ordained!  He became famous for his preaching and was influential in converting St Augustine.   Isaiah 9:6-7 For a child has been born for us,    a son given to us;authority rests upon his shoulders;    and …