A Trinity service for Mothering Sunday This week I’ve compiled a Mothering Sunday “Order of Service for Worship At Home” incorporating Bible readings, reflections, prayers, and even some hymns to sing. It’s suitable for individual or whole-household use, and it’ll be emailed to you tomorrow morning (meanwhile printed versions are being delivered to those Trinity …
We are very grateful indeed to Sarah Elliot who will be putting together some resources each week for ‘Junior Church/Pilots at Home’, based on the Roots resource which are used in Junior Church. These will be emailed weekly, so if you are not on the Junior Church mailing list do contact us at office@trinitywimbledon.org and we’ll …
Our thanks to the children and young people who have written these prayers in the weeks leading up to today. Dear Lord, As we remember that you protect and keep us, we pray for everyone affected by Covid-19; those who have contracted it, those who are caring for patients with it, the researchers and scientists …
These prayers would have been read by Junior Church at our Mothering Sunday service Generous and loving God.On this Mothering Sunday,at a time when things seem uncertain and scary, guide us and care for us. Thank you for our mothers Fierce and strong women who protect us Who gave life to us and care for …
Why not join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community? Local: Pray for the Winter Night Shelter and for all the homeless people on our streets. National: Pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones at this time and who are not even …
Following clear Government advice yesterday, and updated guidance today from the United Reformed Church and other denominations, our minister and joint church secretaries have this evening agreed that we must recommend an immediate suspension of worship services at Trinity. With great regret, this means a cancellation of the planned 11am All-Age Service this coming Sunday …
The Moderators of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church (URC), the Revd Nigel Uden and Derek Estill, have offered the following prayer as the UK and the rest of the world come to terms with the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ Psalm 46:1, …
We are receiving guidance from the United Reformed Church and monitoring other advice, in addition to following the well-publicized guidance about hand washing etc. At the present time, the following points apply: Trinity’s Sunday morning services are continuing as normal Anyone who is feeling unwell, or whose natural immune system may be impaired, is advised …
The Life & Mission Choir have taken the decision to cancel all performances of their musical “Time for Jesus” scheduled for late March and early April, including at Trinity on 4 April.
Sunday 15 March 11:00 Morning Worship “Ask seek knock” part 3: Living Wage Bible readings: Matthew 20.1-16, Isaiah 58.1-10 Monday 16 March – 3rd week of Lent Thursday 19 March 20:00 Finance Team Friday 20 March 10:00 Trinity Toddlers (CANCELLED – see Trinity Toddlers page for further information) 19:30 Film Club 20:00 Friday Fellowship Saturday 21 March …