Our service was led on Zoom by Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, the URC’s Programme Officer for Commitment for Life. The Bible reading was Mark 8: 31-38. As in previous years, during Lent Trinity is asking for donations to support the work of the Commitment for Life programme. You can give online by using the VirginMoneyGiving …
United Reformed Church Daily Devotions Sunday Worship 28th February 2021The Second Sunday in LentThe Rev’d Jenny Mills – Secretary for Education and Learning Introduction Hello- Welcome to worship today, Sunday 28th February. I am Jenny Mills, I am a Minister of Word and Sacraments currently serving as Secretary for Education and Learning for the United Reformed …
Our service today at 11:00 will be led on Zoom by Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, the URC’s Programme Officer for Commitment for Life. You can join from wherever you are, online or by telephone. Joining instructions have been sent out to Trinity members who have subscribed to our mailing list. Please email churchsecretaries@trinitywimbledon.org if you …
Here are this week’s materials from Sarah Elliot for Junior Church – the theme is discipleship. The heart template works as follows: ask your child to write an open-hearted message to a family member/friend e.g. ‘Thank you that I can tell you anything’. They then cut out the heart and fold along the dotted lines …
Our service on Sunday at 11:00 will be led on Zoom by Revd Dr Kevin Snyman, the URC’s Programme Officer for Commitment for Life.You can join from wherever you are, online or by telephone. Joining instructions will be sent out to Trinity members who have subscribed to our mailing list. The Bible reading will be …
For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, thousands of individuals, companies and groups across the UK come together to share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold, and who grow the cotton in our clothes – people who are often exploited …
Prayers in a Pandemic Dear Friends, our Daily Devotion writers have been asked to write prayers to help us through these strange times. Each Thursday a new prayer will be published here https://urc.org.uk/prayers-during-the-pandemic which we hope will give voice to the many different emotions we are all feeling. Do check back each Thursday – I …
Podcasts Dear Friends, for some time we have been recording the Daily Devotions and, each morning, a link is sent out, marked Podcast in the section above, which people can click and then hear the recording of the reading, reflection and prayer. Now it is possible to listen to the Podcasts directly through your normal Podcast …
St Mark 10: 35 – 45 James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came forward to him and said to him, ‘Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.’ And he said to them, ‘What is it you want me to do for you?’ And they said to him, ‘Grant …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for Merton Citizens and London Citizens and their Delegates Assembly meeting this evening to finalise priorities for the London Mayor. National: Pray for those on hospital waiting lists, especially those where the wait is …