Saturday 24th April – What About Other Forms of relationship? Exodus 20: 14 You shall not commit adultery. Reflection Relationships are complex, here ends the devotion! Relationships extend far beyond the traditional concept of a) man and woman b) these two people getting married c) these people then living together. Now, only some, or even …
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Friday 23rd April – What About Divorce? Exodus 20: 14 You shall not commit adultery. Reflection So what about divorce and adultery? Adultery is the first-stated of the grounds in the law of England and Wales for petitioning for a divorce. Straightforward, and (possibly with a bit of cooperation) easily established or arranged. But real …
Thursday 22nd April Exodus 20: 14 You shall not commit adultery. Reflection I recall my time as a university chaplain when I was in pastoral ministry many years ago. I loved the conversations with students who tested so much with curiosity and creative humour. We had many chats about sex and relationships, with students testing …
Wednesday 21st AprilDoes this command preclude war? Exodus 20: 13 You shall not murder Reflection The Hebrew for Sixth Commandment consists of two words, usually translated, “You shall not murder.” Can we build a doctrine against war (or determine that this commandment doesn’t apply to state-prosecuted warfare) on the basis of these two words? Short …
Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. Local: Pray for our local health teams and hospitals as they try to reestablish routines for treatments which have been disrupted through the lockdowns. Pray for all patients who have had extended suffering through the delays …
Tuesday 20th April 2021Does this command preclude Capital Punishment? Exodus 20: 13 You shall not murder Reflection At the time of writing the United Kingdom does not accept capital punishment as a punishment for crime. And how worrying it is that the sentence starts “At the time of writing”… As we look around the world …
Monday 19th April 2021 Exodus 20: 13 You shall not kill (KJV) Reflection ‘….but need not strive officiously to keep alive’. An ethical principle of my nurse training along with ‘do no harm’. Googling today, I learned that rather than an established medical dictum, it is from satirical verses on the 10 Commandments by Arthur …