James 1: 12 – 18 Blessed is anyone who endures temptation. Such a one has stood the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. No one, when tempted, should say, ‘I am being tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil and …
Devotions’ Sunday Services as a Pulpit Supply Tool Dear Friends, Some time ago I emailed to say that we were planning to experiment, over Advent, with the Sunday Services we produce formatted to make them a useful pulpit supply tool. I am pleased to say the preachers for Advent rose to the challenge and produced …
Please support our annual Gift Day as generously as you are able We are hoping to raise at least £10,000 this year and the funds raised will again be allocated in accordance with the vote taken recently by Trinity members and friends from a list of charities. The following charities have been chosen and will …
To read about the lives and sacrifice of those who are named on Trinity’s war memorial click here. Then follow their individual stories by clicking on “Their stories” tab at the top of the page..
James 1: 1 – 8 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings. My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have …
Our Service on Sunday 21 November at 11:00 will be led by Mark Dennis (Trinity Elder and lay preacher) with the theme of ‘Christ reigns over all’. The Bible readings will be Jeremiah 23: 1-6 and Colossians 1: 15-28. We look forward to seeing you. Please note that all those attending are asked to wear face masks at all …
The Epistle of James Dear <<First Name>> I hope the last 12 reflections on the ecological crisis we face helped you as we prayed for our world’s leaders who gathered in Glasgow to address the issues caused by climate change. It remains to be seen if their fine words are turned into tangible actions which will …
Our Remembrance Day Service will start at 10.45am with the Act of Remembrance and observance of the two-minute silence. The service this week will be led by Sandy McLeish (member of Elders’ Council). The Bible readings will be Psalm 46 and John 15: 9-17. Please note that all those attending are asked to wear face masks …
Thursday November 11, 2021The Twelve Days of COPmas: Day 11 – The gift of peace Micah 4:1-5 In days to comethe mountain of the Lord’s houseshall be established as the highest of the mountains,and shall be raised up above the hills.Peoples shall stream to it,and many nations shall come and say:‘Come, let us go up …
Pandemic Prayer Dear Friends, At our General Assembly in July it was agreed to create a new ministerial role – the Minister for Digital Worship. As you may have read in various URC sources I was nominated for this role, applied, was interviewed and have accepted this post. I told my lovely congregations on Sunday …