Proverbs 16 selected verses When the ways of people please the LORD,he causes even their enemies to be at peace with them.Better is a little with righteousnessthan large income with injustice.The human mind plans the way,but the LORD directs the steps.Inspired decisions are on the lips of a king;his mouth does not sin in judgement.Righteous …
Apologies Dear Friends, Just a note to thank you all for your patience over the last couple of weeks and to apologise for the technical problems we have been having. For reasons far too technical for me to understand the bit of the website where we store the Devotions and the Podcasts became inaccessible. This …
As the COP26 conference begins in Glasgow today, ROOTS have produced an activity calendar, with daily ideas for individuals, households and groups to reflect and take action, every day until the end of the conference on 12 November. You can download it by clicking here. At our Church meeting on Wednesday 24 November we’ll be talking about new ways that …