Thursday 7th January  St Mark 1: 1 – 13 The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.As it is written in the prophet Isaiah,‘See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,    who will prepare your way;the voice of one crying out in the wilderness:    “Prepare the way of the Lord,    make his …

Wednesday 6th January – We Three Kings John Henry Hopkins, a priest of the Episcopal Church in America wrote this for a Christmas pageant and it has become a firm favourite though often banished from our hymnbooks!  It theologies the meaning of the three gifts. St Matthew 2: 7-11 Then Herod secretly called for the …

Please join us for a few minutes each Wednesday, between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community Local: Pray for all those who have had a lonely Christmas and who are fearful of ongoing isolation in the New Year. National: Pray for those needing to establish new systems and ways of working to …

Hello Lockdown My Old Friend…. Dear Friends, Now all the nations of the UK are in various forms of lockdown I thought it might be useful to remind you that, even in these difficult times, we will still be sending out a daily reading, reflection and prayer early each morning AND, every Sunday, we will still …

Roger Jones, minister of Tolworth and Ewell/Epsom URCs, is planning to stage a musical, collaborating with other churches over the next two months and leading to a virtual musical performance. The music and dialogue are ready to go, based on chapter 27 of the book of Numbers in the Bible. If you’d like to take part, …

Monday 4th January – O Come All Ye Faithful The earliest version of this hymn, in Latin, is in a book by John Francis Wade but there is note in it attributing it to an earlier author.  The English version sung is by the Catholic priest Fr Frederick Oakelely and dates to 1841. The hymn …

Please do keep in touch with each other.  If you need to know how to contact another member, or how to contact your elder, then email and we will help.

This Sunday’s worship was a live ‘Worship From Home’ service held on Zoom. The service was led by Mark Dennis and included the celebration of Holy Communion. You can view/download the Order of Service here.

Here are this week’s materials for Junior Church, including the story, activity sheet and young people’s page. Please do send your photos to Sarah so she can share them next week. Story Activity sheet Young People’s page

Saturday 2nd January  – Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day Published in 1833 this song has its origins in the medieval mystery plays where the actor playing Christ would sing the verses and the audience would sing the chorus.  It was not uncommon to have the baby Jesus singing all 12 verses foretelling his life, …