Edgy Saints in Lent Dear Friends,   Many churches like to have a small group series for Lent – which starts this year on 22nd February.  I have adapted material which is going out after Easter each morning to create five small group sessions. The sessions look at some of the people who have been declared …

During what is likely to be the most challenging period our food bank network has ever faced, please help make sure we can be there for everyone who needs us. On Saturday 1 April 2023, supporters like you are taking on the Race Against Hunger. Challenge yourself to run or walk 5k this April. It’s …

Prayers and Worship Notes Dear Friends The Rev’d Elizabeth Welch has prepared the weekly intercessions for this coming Sunday – they can be downloaded here as a pdf file.   This week’s Worship Notes have been prepared by the Rev’d Catherine McFie and can be found here. I promised a small group study series based on …