image from Introduction There is a river in north Northumberland near Crookham called Pallinsburn, named after Paulinus, who was a key figure in Pope Gregory the Great’s mission to these islands in the late 6th century, before the monastic community on Holy Island had been conceived. Working northwards from Canterbury, the Gregorian mission reached …
Sunday Worship from the United Reformed Churchfor Sunday 23 April Today’s service is led by the Revd Dr Michael Hopkins. Welcome & Call to Worship Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. Welcome to this service from the United Reformed Church. My name is Michael Hopkins, I’m minister of group of …
inspiration in your inbox Saturday 22 April 2023 St Oscar Romero Arzobispado de San Salvador; Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum –, Public Domain, Information Oscar Romero (15 August 1917 – 24 March 1980) was a Catholic priest and bishop in El Salvador. In 1980, Romero was shot by an assassin while celebrating Mass. Romero …
Introduction St Colmcille (in Irish meaning ‘Dove of the Church’) is a person of multiple names, many legends and – we might even say – different sanctities. Born in 521 in Gartan, County Donegal, to a wealthy family associated with the powerful O’Neills. Some say his given name at birth was “Crimthann”, meaning a “fox”. …
Thursday 20 April 2023 St Elisabeth the Wonderworker Icon of St Elizabeth the Wonderworkerfrom the Orthodox Church of America’s website, and used with their kind permission. Introduction Born around the fifth century in Heraklea, St Elisabeth the Wonderworker showed early signs of holiness. By the age of three she could recite the lives of …
Our worship on Sunday 23 April at 11:00 will be led by the Revd Dr Andrew Prasad (Interim Moderator). The Service will include the Ordination and Induction of an Elder. There will be age-related activities for children and young people. Coffee & tea will be available after the meeting. All very welcome – do join …
Watch the anniversary service here. Members, ministers and friends of the URC gathered in London on 15 April to mark the denomination’s 50th anniversary. Around 1,200 people attended the rail strike-postponed celebrations at Methodist Central Hall Westminster, the same place that English Congregationalists and Presbyterians gathered on 5 October 1972 to vote the URC into …
Carving of Rǫgnvaldr in Kirkwall Cathedral Introduction It was through his mother, Gunnhildr, that Rǫgnvaldr had a claim on the Orkney earldom. He grew up in Norway and, at the age of 29, was appointed Earl of Orkney and Shetland by the Norwegian King Sigurd I. The title wasn’t too accurate and it was anticipated …
Tuesday 18 April 2023 St Cuthbert (634-687) photo credit British Museum, Creative Commons Licence Introduction Cuthbert grew up in what is now North Northumberland/the Scottish Borders, entering the monastic life at Old Melrose under the tuition of St Boisil. Cuthbert moved on from Melrose to Lindisfarne upon the death of Aidan. Monk, a most reluctant …
inspiration in your inbox Monday 17 April 2023 Dorothy Day, Servant of God Photo Mottke Weisman, Loaves and Fishes Introduction Dorothy Day (November 8, 1897 – November 29, 1980) was an American journalist, social activist, and anarchist who, after a bohemian youth, became a Catholic without abandoning her social and anarchist activism. Raised …