inspiration in your inbox Sunday 16 April 2023 – Psalm 130 Out of the depths I cry to you;O Lord God, hear me calling.Incline your ear to my distressin spite of my rebelling.Do not regard my sinful deeds.Send me the grace my spirit needs;without it I am nothing. 2 All things you send are full …
Introduction Irish folklore abounds with stories of St Brigid of Kildare, born around 455 CE, the daughter of a powerful chieftain Dubhtach and a Christian slave girl. The young Brigid was wearingly generous…with the property of her father! She gave away his cattle, his supply of freshly churned butter – and on one occasion …
A modern depiction of St Guinefort by L Bower used with permission Introduction Our saint today is so on the edge that he falls off the perimeter of orthodoxy and acceptability for many. He is St Guinefort, the holy greyhound. In the thirteenth century a Dominican monk named Etienne de Bourbon documented, in disapproving terms, …
Thursday 13 April 2023 Magnús Erlendsson, martyr 1080 – 1117 Image from an article by the the BBC here Introduction Magnus’s grandfather was Thorfinn Sigurdsson, also known as Thorfinn the Mighty and Earl Thorfinn. He had twin sons, Erlend and Paul, who after Thorfinn’s death went on to serve as joint Earls of Orkney. In …
Watch the live stream of the Service of Thanksgiving on April 15th starting at 2.00pm. The links to watch the service will available on the URC website later this week. You will be able to watch the service again on our YouTube channel, .
Our worship on Sunday 16 April at 11:00 will be led by the Revd Simon Asquith of Holy Trinity Church, Wimbledon. We look forward to welcoming Simon back to Trinity. The Bible readings will be from Exodus 14: 10-31 and John 20: 19-23. Our Chinese Group will have a time of worship together in the …
Wednesday 12 April 2023 St Aiden (590-651) Introduction St Aidan was an Irish monk, and a member of the monastic community on Iona. When the community first sent Cormán from their monastery to evangelise Northumbria at King Oswald’s request, the mission failed. Cormán returned testily blaming the hard-heartedness and obstinacy of the Northumbrians. In their …
painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo – Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Bilddatenbank. Introduction Catherine of Siena was born to middle class parents – her father had his own cloth dying business and her mother was the daughter of a local poet. Lapa, Catherine’s mother, already had 22 children when Catherine and her twin were born; sadly her …
Monday 10 April 2023 St Matthew 28: 16 – 20 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. When they saw him, they worshipped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to …
Today we celebrated Easter with a wonderfully uplifting and joyful service, led by the Revd David Skitt. Dena-Jo and Olivia confirmed their faith and were welcomed into membership of Trinity. The gloriously bright Spring sunshine reflected perfectly the hope of Easter. As we sang…. And we are raised with him, death is dead, love has …