The Service on Sunday 15 January will be led by the Revd Ernest Yu (our Emeritus Associate Minister) and Mr Mark Dennis (Trinity Elder & Lay Preacher).
The service will be one of celebration as we welcome two adults and three children in the Sacrament of Baptism.
Join us for the second in a series of services reflecting on the message of selected Psalms. This week we’ll be looking at Psalm 15.
The psalms express the whole range of human feeling and experience, from dark depression to exuberant joy. They are rooted circumstances, yet they are timeless and among the best-loved, most-read parts of the Bible. In this 21st century, we are stirred by the same emotions, puzzle over the same fundamental problems of life, cry out in need, or worship, to the same God as the psalmists of old. We find it easy to identify with them. And we find their sheer, dogged faith, the depth of their love for God, both a challenge and a rebuke.
Everyone will be very welcome.