A New Resource – Worship Notes

A New Resource

Dear <<First Name>>

I am pleased to announce that we have a new resource for Elderships, lay preachers, and ministers as they prepare worship.  Starting from Pentecost, Sunday 5th June, we will have a set of notes which will help with planning worship.  The notes will contain all the prayers needed, some thoughts on the readings which could be built into a sermon, and suggestions for hymns taken from the main hymnbooks our congregations use.  Each month there will be at least one Holy Communion prayer and an Affirmation of Faith.  

These notes are designed to help everyone who plans worship and will be found on the URC website here  www.urc.org.uk/worship-notes.  They are, of course, in digital format but can be downloaded for churches who might struggle to use the digital PowerPoint resources.  They will help an Eldership which has to plan worship (in these days of rapid Covid infection often at the last minute), they will give refreshment to hard pressed lay preachers and ministers, and can either be used as they are or adapted for local use.  Worship leaders might want to use some but not all of the resources – that’s fine!  We suggest you think of them as a smorgasbord from which you can choose.  

Our first crop of writers, for services in June, include the Rev’d Ruth Whitehead, Moderator of the South Western Synod, the Rev’d Dr Susan Durber, Moderator of the Faith and Order Committee of the World Council of Churches, and the Rev’d Sarah Moore, Transition Champion in the Synod of Scotland.  

We will get the notes out at least a month before the Sundays to which they relate so as to facilitate good planning and put them on the URC website so you can always find them at short notice!

I do hope you find them useful; we will remind people each month that they are available when we send out the PowerPoint files as well as the audio and printed versions of services.  You can sign up for these emails here.

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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