Trinity is a culturally diverse congregation made up of all ages, and of many backgrounds and personal perspectives. We seek to be an inclusive and welcoming church, believing that God calls and invites us – in all our variety of ages, nationalities, views and traditions – to be united in Christian fellowship and discipleship together.
Trinity’s work and witness as a Christian church is founded upon faith in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Throughout human history, with a Father’s love, God has called upon all to pursue justice and peace. By the example of his life of love, his death on a cross for our sake, and by his resurrection, Jesus Christ, God’s Son has assured supremacy over death and despair. The Holy Spirit, active within and among us, empowers all God’s people for lives of faithful service. In the unity of the Holy Spirit, God’s will for the Church and the world is discerned.
We look to God’s Word in the Bible, understood under the guidance of God’s Spirit, as the highest authority for what we do and believe. Through our worship, prayer, fellowship, and practical acts of compassionate service, we seek to enrich our community and make known to all God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Trinity is a local congregation of the United Reformed Church, a mainstream Christian denomination in the UK which has its roots in the Presbyterian, Congregational and Churches of Christ traditions. The United Reformed Church (URC) nationally combines its commitment to the Reformed tradition with a passionate belief that all God’s people should be one. It seeks to work with Christians of all traditions, and celebrates being part of many Local Ecumenical Partnerships, with churches of other denominations. The URC is committed also to theological and cultural diversity, rejoicing in the gifts of members from across the world, and seeks to hold together people whose varied insights helps the church understand the wonder of God. Worldwide, more than 70 million Christians are members of the Reformed family of churches.