This Sunday sees the start of the new liturgical year as the season of Advent begins. Advent focuses our attention on the coming of Christ. We live between two comings of Christ – his first coming in humility and weakness at Bethlehem, and his second coming in majesty and power at the end of time.
Since the beginning of the pandemic back in March, we have been looking forward – to when the lockdown restrictions could be lifted, to when there would be adequate testing for the virus; to when a vaccine might be made available and life returns to some sort of normality. So we have lived in Advent for a long time now.
But this special season of the church’s year does give us a chance to pause and focus the attention of our longings on Jesus.
As we prepare to enter this holiest of seasons, let us reflect for a moment on how much we need the Lord’s salvation in our lives and in the world.
We will continue to worship online and from our homes this week.
Our service on Sunday 29 November at 11:00 will be led by the Revd Alistair Cumming, Church of Scotland minister, Clerk of the Presbytery of England.
The Bible readings will be Isaiah 64: 1-9 and Mark 13: 24-37.
Look out for an email on Sunday morning if you have subscribed to our mailing list, and details will also be posted here.