An abundance of fruit!

With so much fruit growing around Wimbledon, it’s a shame to see it wasted. Abundance Wimbledon collects surplus fruit and makes sure it gets used to make jam, juice, puddings etc.  Some goes to local charities, providing for the homeless and elderly, e.g. Merton & Morden Guild, the Faith in Action Drop-In Centre and Merton Vision.

So if there is more fruit in your garden than you are likely to need, then please get in touch.  You can borrow a fruit picking pole to reach the top of your tree or ask if a fruit picking team can come and help you pick.

Last year, Abundance Wimbledon gathered more than 1600 kilos of fruit and we thank everyone who so kindly contributed. To donate your fruit this year, help with jam making or anything else, please contact or tel. Joyce 8946 3750/Juliet 8946 2514.  See our website

Finally, don’t forget to come to ABUNDANCE FRUIT DAY on Saturday 19 September, 11am – 2pm at St Mark’s Church garden (behind Wimbledon Library). Come buy homemade jam, chutneys, cakes, ultra-fresh juice from the fruit press, enjoy the music and games.  Entry is FREE.  So please put it in your diary!