Bible Food Quiz

How well do you know the Bible?    The answers to all these questions relate to FOOD and they can be found in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
No prizes – but let us know if you enjoyed the quiz.

  1. The risen Lord ate a piece of this, “broiled”.
  2. A prophet asked his hearers, “Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not – ?”
  3. Jael brought this in a “lordly bowl” for her country’s enemy.
  4. A strong man found some of this in the carcass of a lion.
  5. The ravens brought this to Elijah along with bread.
  6. Pharaoh’s baker was carrying a basket of them in his dream.
  7. Abraham brought a drink of this for the refreshment of three heavenly visitors.
  8. Jesus asked whether men gathered them off thistles.
  9. Esau sold his birthright for a stew of these.
  10. Two men brought a single cluster of these to the camp of Israel.
  11. Men, selling the sweepings of this, were rebuked by the prophet Amos.
  12. Isaac sent Esau to bring him some.
  13. Gideon brought this in a pot to an angel, but the angel told him to pour it out.
  14. In the wilderness the Israelites remembered this fruit of Egypt.
  15. David gave two clusters of these to a captive Egyptian.

The answers are concealed by means of a key.  The top row of numbers in this key refers to the question; the bottom row of numbers (in bold type) gives the corresponding answer numbers.




Answers: (1) Milk (Genesis 18;8). (2) Lentils (Genesis 25;34). (3) Figs (Matt. 7;16).  (4) Luke 24; 42). (5) Raisins (1st Sam. 30;12). (6) Bread (Isaiah 55;2). (7) Melon (Numbers 11;5). (8) Curds (Judges 5;25). (9) Broth (Judges 6;20). (10) Honey (Judges 14;8).  (11) Game (Genesis 27;3). (12) Meat (1st Kings 17;6). (13) Wheat (Amos 8;6). (14) Baked food (Genesis 40;17). (15) Grapes (Numbers 13;23-24).