How well do you know the Bible? The answers to all these questions relate to FOOD and they can be found in the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
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The answers are concealed by means of a key. The top row of numbers in this key refers to the question; the bottom row of numbers (in bold type) gives the corresponding answer numbers.
Answers: (1) Milk (Genesis 18;8). (2) Lentils (Genesis 25;34). (3) Figs (Matt. 7;16). (4) Luke 24; 42). (5) Raisins (1st Sam. 30;12). (6) Bread (Isaiah 55;2). (7) Melon (Numbers 11;5). (8) Curds (Judges 5;25). (9) Broth (Judges 6;20). (10) Honey (Judges 14;8). (11) Game (Genesis 27;3). (12) Meat (1st Kings 17;6). (13) Wheat (Amos 8;6). (14) Baked food (Genesis 40;17). (15) Grapes (Numbers 13;23-24).