Blue Christmas – Sunday 23 December

Among the special services taking place at Trinity over the festive season, a new addition this year is Blue Christmas at 6.30pm on Sunday 23 December.

All around us in December, there’s an emphasis on ‘the magic of Christmas’ – an expectation that all should be filled with joy and excitement. Yet for some folk, Christmas can be a lonely or difficult time: perhaps following a bereavement or a relationship breakdown, perhaps because of painful memories, present anxieties or uncertain prospects.

Blue Christmas services have begun to emerge in recent years, as churches have sought to recognise and respond more sensitively to those left feeling ‘blue’ amid the festivities. It’s a relatively simple service incorporating gentle carols (sung seated), readings to reflect the mixed emotions of the Christmas story, and prayers that acknowledge pain whilst holding on to the promise of light in our darkness.

Some churches have found that people may attend Blue Christmas who don’t feel comfortable coming to any other Christmas service, due to the circumstances in which they find themselves. So whilst naturally all are welcome, please do consider whether there’s someone known to you for whom a Blue Christmas might be especially significant.