This Advent Season, the Worship and Faith Development Team are organising a series of four reflections based on favourite Advent Hymns and Carols. Each week will be led by a different member of the Team, encouraging us all to reflect on the waiting and preparation for Christmas, using the words of familiar and much-loved hymns. …
We hope you will be able to join us for our Lent Course, a weekly time of sharing, discussion and prayer, as we read 1 Peter together. In his letter to scattered groups of Christians in what is modern-day Turkey, the apostle Peter ignites imagination and inspires hope for the possibilities of everyday life in a …
“The Gospel of Mark is stunning. From its declaration heralding an astounding new move of God, right through to its somewhat surprising ending, Mark leaves us in no doubt that this is the greatest story ever told, one that changed the world forever.” Tracy Cotterell Join us this Advent as we read this amazing story together. …
The United Reformed Church (URC) has launched a fortnightly podcast, that explores the denomination’s focus on Christian discipleship, mission and what it means to be Walking the Way of Jesus today. The podcast will explore what it means to be a disciple across all aspects of our lives, as we respond to the concerns, issues …
A Lent resource for students, seniors, households and families to reduce isolation and offer hope in these challenging times. The pack invites you to join a journey through Lent with opportunities to build connections with Jesus, others and your local church. The materials include a wide range of activity suggestions so there should be …
Explore the Holy Habits through the life of Jesus. This resource provides seven weeks of material for church groups to use during Lent. Each session includes the printed Bible passage, a suggestion for a simple symbolic worship centre, music suggestions, reflection, poem, questions, prayer and take-home ideas. Additional material for Holy Week provides daily reflections …
One of the Lent resources mentioned in our recent email is “Broken Bits & Weirdness”. Read more about it here: Bible study like you’ve never seen it! Meet nine of the Bible’s most dismal failures and find out how God still loves them, even with their Broken Bits & Weirdness. Explore their stories through Bible …