Throughout December our minister Revd Dominic Grant has been producing a series of audio reflections exploring themes from the Advent hymn “O come, O come Emmanuel”. In the introductory reflection, Dominic talks about the background of the hymn – and about how a little bit of confusion needn’t always be a bad thing. Part 2 …
Sunday 24 November 11:00 Morning Worship led by some of Trinity’s elders Theme: “Christ the King”. Bible readings: Luke 23, 33-43; Jeremiah 23, 1-7 & 16; Colossians 1, 11-20 Monday 25 November Tuesday 26 November 19:30 Lectio Divina 20:00 Worship & Faith Development Team Wednesday 27 November 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus Thursday 28 November Friday …
Trinity’s minister Revd Dominic Grant has written and narrated three audio reflections for Holy Week, on aspects of the theme “Friendship with Jesus”. Each reflection features interview contributions from people in the wider community. One: Betrayal and Glory Have you ever been let down by a friend? What happened? Background music: extracts from A series of …
At times prayer can seem like hard work or a bit of a mystery. At other times it’s an encounter with the living God. Wherever you are on the journey of faith, this course of 5 small group sessions will encourage a discovery of new-found joy and delight in prayer – for novices and old …
Advent is traditionally a time of preparation: looking towards the coming of God in Christ, and focusing on the promises associated with God’s coming. On Tuesday evenings during Advent, we’ll be exploring traditional Advent themes as they are currently experienced in partner-regions of the URC’s global development partnership, Commitment for Life. Tuesday 5 December: …
One World Week Sunday 22 October 11:00 Morning worship Monday 23 October 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 24 October Wednesday 25 October 12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus 19:30 Small groups meeting led by Revd Andy Twilley Thursday 26 October Friday 27 October 19:45 Choir Practice Saturday 28 October 16:00 Supersonic Sunday 29 October – Reformation Sunday 09:30 Choir …
We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community. At Trinity: Give thanks for Trinity’s Church & Society group, meeting on Wednesday evening. Our Borough: Pray for the Police’s Safer Neighbourhoods Team in Lavender Fields ward: Insp Martin Capon, Sgt Michael Day, PC Emily …
Many of us at Trinity find the URC Daily Devotions a useful resource, and 1,500 people receive inspiration each day on our mobile phones, tablets or laptops. If you wish to see more about the Devotions you can visit this page to find the archive of the previous devotions and follow the link to sign up to receive the …
(The Angelus is a traditional call to prayer) We invite you to set aside some time each Wednesday lunchtime (any time between 12noon and 2pm), wherever you are, to join in prayer with the Trinity community. At Trinity Pray for our Church Meeting on Thursday evening, as we seek to discern and to commit ourselves to Christ’s …