Sunday 3 November was our annual Gift Day ‘For Others’. All Trinity members should have received a letter about Gift Day, but you can read about it here in this month’s edition Trinity News. If you were not in church or have not yet donated, it is not too late. You can go to the …

The offertory at all our Christmas services will once again be donated to the work of the Merton Winter Night Shelter. The collections will be taken at four services: Readings & Carols by Candlelight, Christingle & Communion by Candlelight (on Christmas Eve) and at the Christmas morning family service.

Our Gift Day ‘For Others’ will be on Sunday 5 November. As many of you will be aware, each year we conduct a ballot for Gift Day nominations and we now need to decide which charities will benefit in 2023.   The 10 charities selected will comprise 4 local, 3 national and 3 international organisations. …

Please donate to our Lent collection for Commitment for Life – either by using the envelopes in the pews next Sunday or by clicking here.   (If you donate online please let Robin Ingram know that the donation is for CfL.) For further information about Commitment for Life see the March edition of Trinity News, or …

We have begun to take up an offertory during services once again. A big ‘thank you’ to all those who have continued to make regular financial donations by standing order or other means during the difficult period of Covid, and to those who make use of the retiring collection and ‘contactless’ donation device at our services. …

Each year we conduct a ballot for Gift Day nominations, and we now need to decide which charities will benefit in 2022. The 10 charities selected will comprise 4 local, 3 national and 3 international organisations.  There is further information at the bottom of the attached voting form. Complete this Voting Form and return it to Robin Ingram …

Every year during Lent Trinity holds a collection for Commitment for Life. Commitment for Life (CforL) is the United Reformed Church’s global justice programme working in partnership with Christian Aid and Global Justice Now! for the most vulnerable people in the world. United Reformed churches donate to CforL towards its work in three global regions …

Our ‘For Others’ Secretary is pleased to report that the total raised for Gift Day this year has reached £10,700 which with Gift Aid will increase to c.£12,500.  This is about £1,000 lower that last year, but in all the circumstances, a very satisfactory outcome and thank you to everyone who contributed. The following charities …